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Roots of Respect: How Saluting Branches Honors Veterans


By: Sam Hickey, Director and Communications Chair, Saluting Branches

Saluting Branches sponsor bannerMore than 16 million people in the United States have protected and served our nation in the armed forces over the years. Whatever task assigned to our veterans, whether across the country or across the world, they went and they served. They left their homes. They left their jobs. They left their families. These men and women took on the fears, the risks, and the challenges of their times, and their sacrifices extended far beyond the front lines.

Their commitment to our country deserves our utmost respect and gratitude. Whether receiving medical care or where they lie at their final resting places, veterans deserve at the very least a beautiful, safe, and respectful environment.

The concept of Saluting Branches blossomed when a group of arborists at Rainbow Tree volunteered their time and services during the Minnesota Society of Arboriculture’s Day of Service at Fort Snelling National Cemetery. The group of founders was inspired by this event and set out to bring volunteers together on a larger scale. What started as a local initiative quickly grew into a national project. By 2014, one thousand volunteers served 23 national cemetery locations, and in 2017, the organization earned its nonprofit 501(c)(3) status.


A National Effort to Honor Veterans

Saluting Branches recognizes the importance of honoring our nation’s veterans. Each year, in partnership with more than 3,500 tree care companies, volunteers, and sponsors, we hold a National Day of Service to provide tree and landscape services at more than 100 veteran-dedicated properties. These properties include national cemeteries and United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals, medical centers, clinics, and nursing homes across the United States. Arborists, tree climbers, and other professionals work together to prune, plant, and care for trees, ensuring their longevity and health.

Saluting Branches’ decade of dedication is scheduled for Sept. 18, 2024, marking ten years of dedication to honoring our nation’s veterans by caring for trees and landscapes.


The Genesis and Growth of Saluting Branches

The idea for Saluting Branches was sparked by the desire to give back to the community and to honor our nation’s veterans. Our group of founders contacted the VA and offered to provide tree care services for free. The response was overwhelmingly positive, and the inaugural event was a success. The group then realized there was an opportunity to expand our efforts and make a national impact.

In additional to the tree and landscape services Saluting Branches provides, Saluting Branches has planted nearly 2,000 trees to honor each of the Vietnam War POWs and MIAs who are still unaccounted for to this day.

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How Saluting Branches Works


  • Saluting Branches is held on the third Wednesday of September each year.
  • Volunteers sign up and receive training and safety instructions in advance of the event.
  • There is a site leader at each participating location across the U.S. who coordinates with veteran-dedicated property staff to determine the work that needs to be done and any safety considerations.

Event Day

  • On the day of the event, volunteers gather at national cemeteries and Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals, medical centers, clinics, and nursing homes across the United States and are assigned to teams to work on specific areas.
  • The work typically involves pruning, planting, and removing dead or hazardous trees and branches.
  • The volunteers work throughout the day, taking breaks and lunch together as a group.


  • Saluting Branches has a significant impact on the environment and the communities we serve.
  • By caring for trees and landscapes, volunteers improve the appearance and safety of veteran-dedicated properties, which are important symbols of our nation's history and service.
  • Additionally, the event provides an opportunity for the tree care industry to give back and make a positive impact in their communities.
  • Saluting Branches’ Annual Day of Service is recognized as one of the top four days of service provided to VA cemeteries nationally.
  • Since its inception, Saluting Branches has provided over $21 million in services.


Get Involved

To learn more about Saluting Branches or how to get involved, reach out to info@salutingbranches.org. Through Saluting Branches, we embrace the chance to give back in a small but very special way, to demonstrate our gratitude and appreciation for all that our veterans and their families have endured.